The Anatomy of a Blog Post

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Good Content

A good blog post for the SNP Orkney Website needs Featured Image, other images and well structured, concise text to convey your message to the limited attention span of the average reader.  I am not criticizing the reader, but good headings with short paragraphs is the best way to get your message across.

Drawing them in

Even the best content is useless if it isn’t read.  So, you need an enticing Title with an appealing Excerpt so your reader wants to open the blog and read more.

I don’t want to see that

If all they can see is stuff they’re not interested in your reader will never get to read your enticing title.  To help people focus on their interests you need to assign your blog to a Category. 

How often does something in an article trigger an idea about something else.  To help you follow up on this add Tags to your blog about the other things mentioned.  By following the same tags in other blogs the reader can follow a chain of thought.

Blog control

You can control the workflow of a blog bey setting its Status.  If you set this to “draft” it will be held so you can edit it later before publishing it with the status, “Publish”.

You can also set a Posting Date to publish the blog at a specific future time.

A summary of blog metadata

Featured Image
An image which displays the subject of the blog.  It is usually shown at the top of the blog and in any listings
One or two related images will break up the text and help the reader understand your meaning.
Gives the meaning of the paragraph and encourages the reader to continue reading.
The broad heading for the blog.  Blogs are listed by category.
A blog should generally have a single Category but it can be added to more than one but this should be avoided.
Categories can also control the treatment of the blog.  For example, the “Member-Only” category makes it only visible to SNP members.
These are used to cross-reference the blog with other related blogs.  For example, a blog about a meeting might have a separate tag for each agenda item.
Unlike a category, you would expect a blog to have several tags.
Determines how the blog is handled by the website.  This would generally be “draft” until your ready to change it to “publish”.
Post Date
The date the blog is to be published.